Street Photography


Street photography is one of my favorite types of photography, it doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing, and there is always an interesting photo to be taken on the streets. Street photography is about telling a story and capturing something special.

It’s perfectly legal in most countries to take someone’s photo without their permission unless you’re going to use it for commercial purposes. Each country has their own laws and regulations around this, so research these rules before taking photos of strangers in the street.

So get out there and have some fun.

What Makes A Good Photo


Great use of light and composition make for a great photo, the use of light will make or break a photo. Understanding light and how to use it, is the key to great photo. First consider the direction from where the light is coming from and then the quality of the light source.

A well composed photo will make the all the difference when it comes to photography. Always remember the use the thirds rule, a good photo will draw the eye to where these lines intersect.

Always remember to experiment with these elements and see what works for you, practice makes perfect, good luck.

Photography Projects


Photos at home

Even boring items such as tools or kitchen appliances can make for interesting photographs, particularly if you zoom in on interesting details of the image and do some creative photo processing.

This requires similar skills to macro and product photography, so make sure you have a nice clean and non-distracting background. Try using a white or black surface or even a sheet of white paper.

A macro lens will obviously come in handy and consider using off-camera flash for nice lighting effects.

At end of the editing stage, try and use a black and white conversion or split toning to enhance the photo effects.

Hope this helps